What Parents Should Know About Medical Marijuana?

Community conversation has been focused on the legalization of marijuana. There has also been much discussion about what legalization might mean for adolescents and children with severe or chronic illnesses. Parents need to be aware that legalization does NOT mean more or faster access to treatment for certain medical conditions. Legalization could make things more complicated. We are here to answer any questions you may have.

What Is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana refers to marijuana that is used to treat a medical condition, as prescribed by a doctor. Marijuana (or cannabis Sativa) is the common name of the plant. Its two main components are cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol. Only residents can legally possess Medical Marijuana Texas if they have received a recommendation from their doctor. All other forms are strictly forbidden in .

The chances of accidental exposure to medical marijuana products increase as they become more common. A family should consider using medical marijuana to treat their children. Any marijuana product that is stored in a household should be kept out of reach of children and kept locked in a cabinet. Infused edibles and products can be mistaken for food or candy by curious children. This presents a serious risk of harm.

What About CBD?

It is important to remember that CBD is not marijuana. Instead, it is a chemical in cannabis. CBD is approved by FDA for the treatment of severe epilepsy. CBD products are becoming more readily available over the counter. Many CBD products claim medical benefits. You may have even seen CBD-infused soda water at your local grocer. There are concerns that CBD products with inconsistent quality and consistency will become more common after medical marijuana legalization. These concerns are shared by medical providers.

CBD purchased from someone who isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration is not guaranteed to be purified. Month-to-month variations in CBD products have been seen in legal states. Although the Medical Marijuana Control Program requires that products be tested in a laboratory, FDA approval is not yet granted for these products. A laboratory that can accurately identify the product’s content may not perform the testing. If the product has not been thoroughly studied and is consistent, it may pose a danger to a patient or child.

What About THC?

THC, the chemical in marijuana, causes people to feel “high”, euphoria, and increased appetite. Children and young adults between the ages of 12 and 23 have significant brain development changes that make marijuana use risky. The body already produces a natural cannabinoid that helps to build brain connections. The brain’s maturation from simple to the high-functioning computer is happening during adolescence. Adding THC to the system can cause dysfunction. Nerve connections may form erratically or imperfectly. This could lead to a decline in intelligence, memory impairment, and a greater risk of sustaining substance abuse for life. For younger adolescents, the brain can become hardwired to use extra THC, especially if the brain has been allowed to mature.

What About Synthetic Marijuana?

Synthetic cannabinoids can be dangerous. Synthetic marijuana can be 100 times more potent than the original cannabis. Names like JWH-018, Spice K-2, King Kong Relief and Relief can cause seizures, delirium, and comas. Some synthetic marijuana contaminants have caused life-threatening bleeding.